Long Valley Wolfpack Wrestling ByLaws




Name and Location
Section 1. The name of this nonprofit organization shall be known as: Long
Valley Wrestling Club (herein after “Club”). The nickname of the Club is Long
Valley Wolfpack or Wolfpack.
Section 2. The principal location of this Club shall be in Washington Township
(Long Valley), Morris County, New Jersey. There is no physical office location.


Section 1. Our primary purpose is to promote youth wrestling in Long Valley. The
Club seeks to develop wrestlers (“participants”) who will become committed to
the sport of wrestling and will continue their development by becoming members
of the West Morris Central High School wrestling program after graduating this
The Board of the Long Valley Wrestling Club and the coaches in the program are
committed jointly to maintain certain standards in the program. We want each
participant to have fun. We understand that enjoying the sport is the only way
that participants will desire to make the effort required to become a skilled
wrestler. We will promulgate values that will result in our participants becoming
good wrestlers and citizens in the community.

We will foster good fellowship among the participants and their competitors in
the programs against which we compete. We recognize that the foundation for a
skilled wrestler and citizen rests in developing good sportsmanship, a positive
attitude, receiving encouragement to develop a strong work ethic, and having
individual coaches and mentors dedicated to improve each participant’s physical
fitness and who teach and seek to develop fundamentally sound wrestling
techniques that will enable each participant to enjoy increasing levels of success
in this program. Ultimately, it will prepare the participants to make a smooth
transition to the high school level.
Section 2. We will financially support the various levels of youth wrestling in Long
Section 3. We will develop and maintain effective communication with all levels
of the Long Valley community concerning wrestling: the Board; coaches; parents;
participants in the wrestling program and the community at large.
Section 4. We will educate and mentor all members of this association in the core
values that we promote: the importance of having fun; fellowship; good
sportsmanship; developing a positive attitude; encouraging a strong work ethic;
striving to improve each participant’s physical fitness; and seeking to develop
fundamentally sound wrestling techniques that will lead to participants’
increasing levels of success.


Section 1. Membership shall be open to all those who wish to be affiliated with
the Long Valley Wrestling Club. It will be available to every Wrestler, Parent,
Guardian, Alumni or Supporter in good standing with the Club.
Section 2. The annual membership registration year is from September 1st to
August 30th.
Section 3. Full payment of wrestler registration dues is a requirement for
membership. In order to register a child must be a resident of Washington
Township or attend a Washington Township Elementary or Middle School. If a
child is registered to wrestle with the Club then he/she is considered a member.
Further, his/her parents(s) or legal guardian(s) will also be considered members of
the Club for that registration year.
Section 4. Wrestler registration dues are determined annually by the Board of
Directors. This is inclusive of the amount of dues, fees, volunteer requirements,
registration types and options, and timing of the open registration period.
Section 5. The Board of Directors can grant an annual membership for the
following reasons:
‐ A family financial hardship
‐ A volunteer, supporter, or coach who does not have a child registered with
the Club
‐ For any reason the Board sees fit
Section 6. Members are entitled to the following:
(1) Attendance at open sessions of designated business meetings
(2) Seek appointment to the Long Valley Wrestling Club Board of Directors if
qualifications are met
(3) Be responsible to the bylaws and policies of the organization
(4) Provide support to the organization through volunteering


Board of Directors
Section 1. Authority. The Board of Directors manages, directs, and acts on the
business affairs and property of the Long Valley Wrestling Club. The Directors
may exercise all such powers and handle all affairs of the club subject to the
provisions of these Bylaws and all applicable local, state, and federal laws.

Section 2. Directors. The Board of Directors shall consist of four (4) Officers and
five (5) At‐Large Directors. Each position is considered a Director of the Board.
Section 3. Officers. The Officers of the Board of Directors shall consist of the
President, Vice‐President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The President shall be the
Chairman of the Board of Directors. No Board member can hold more than one
officer position at any given time.
Section 4. Terms. Officers or At‐Large Directors shall hold office until: (a) a
successor is duly elected, (b) death or disability, or (c) resignation. All Directors,
including those holding offices, shall serve 2 year terms and are eligible for re‐
election. There are no term limit restrictions.

Section 5. Vacancy. A vacancy for any reason shall be filled by appointment with
the vote of the remaining Directors until the next annual meeting.
Section 6: Removal. Officers and At‐Large Directors can be removed at any time
by a three‐fourths (3/4) majority vote. Removal of a Board member can only take
place at a regularly scheduled Board meeting or a special Board meeting with
physical attendance required and at least 72 hours advanced notice to the Board
of Directors.


Duties of Officers
Section 1. President – The President shall supervise all the business affairs and
enforce all the rules of the Club. He/she shall preside at all business meetings and
ensure that an orderly and complete meeting is conducted. The President does
not vote. He/She only votes to make a majority in an “all‐tie” voting unless
otherwise prescribed in these by‐laws.
Section 2. Vice‐President – The Vice‐President shall assist the President in the
performance of his duties. In the absence of the President, the Vice‐President
shall perform the duties of the President.

Section 3. Secretary – The Secretary shall record all minutes of all meetings held
by the Board of Directors and prepare copies of such minutes for the permanent
record. The Secretary shall communicate the minutes via e‐mail to the Board
within 14 days of the meeting’s conclusion. All minutes will be voted on for
adjustments and approval at the next meeting. The Secretary shall be responsible
for all Club correspondences.
Section 4. Treasurer – The Treasurer shall maintain all the financial records of the
Long Valley Wrestling Club and prepare checks as directed by the Board of
Directors. The Treasurer shall also prepare checks as directed by the President
with a dollar limit of $2500.00 per check. The Treasurer is responsible for all
deposits. The Treasurer shall provide a current financial report at each meeting
including a Club financial report at the annual membership meeting.
Board Committees
Section 1. There will be three standing Board Committees. The names and
functions of each Committee are as follows:
‐ Fundraising: The purpose of the Fund Raising Committee it to raise money
for the benefit of the Long Valley Wrestling Club through concession sales
and other means and events.
‐ Uniforms/ Apparel: The purpose of the Uniforms/ Apparel Committee is to
acquire, maintain, and manage team uniforms and provide Club apparel
opportunities to members and supporters.
‐ Communications: The purpose of the Communications Committee is to
ensure communications exist between the Board, Coaches, and Members
as designated by the Board. This Committee also manages the team’s
management site (i.e. – Teamsnap) consisting of rosters, schedules, and
contact information.
Section 2. A Chair for each Committee will be appointed by the Board of
Directors. Being a Chair of a Committee does not designate you as a member of
the Board of Directors but a Board Director can Chair a Committee.
Section 3. Only one person can Chair a Committee and a Committee can have
one or multiple Committee members.

Section 4. Each Committee Chair will report into the Board and be invited to
Board meetings and Board events for update and reporting purposes.
Section 5. A Committee can be created or dissolved at any time by a majority
vote of the Board.


Section 1. Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Club shall be held by May
1st. At each annual meeting the Board Officers and Directors of the Club shall be
elected (if Board position terms are expiring). If the annual meeting does not take
place at the time fixed, it shall be held within a reasonable time thereafter, and
the Directors shall be held over until their successors have been elected.
Section 2. Regular Meetings. Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held
periodically, with the time and location to be determined by the Board or by the
President. Upon notification of the President, the Secretary shall notify all
members by phone or electronic communication of the time and the place of all
meetings. All meetings shall be run in an orderly manner with an agenda
following Robert’s Rules of Order.
Section 3. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be
called by the President or by a majority of the members of the Board.
Section 4. Quorum. A minimum quorum is five of the nine voting Directors. No
meeting of the Board of Directors shall be legal without at least five (5) Board
Members present and at least the President or Vice President in attendance. For
a ruling to be passed, a majority vote is required by the quorum unless otherwise
specifically stated in these Bylaws. Only members of the Board of Directors are
eligible to vote.
Section 5. Attendance. A Board Director is expected to attend Board Meetings
and compulsory events and is required to acknowledge all invites and provide
their intention to attend. If a Board Director has three unexcused absences in a
single year the remaining Board members can vote to terminate them with a
majority vote.


Elections and Voting
Section 1. Only members of the Board of Directors vote on business and
governance matters. Results from all voting will be determined by the majority of
the votes cast unless otherwise designated in these bylaws.
Section 2. General members for the registration year, in full good standing, and
have no debt to the Club, can vote, along with the current Board, for the election
of Board Officers and Directors. The voting for the Board Officers and At‐Large
Directors will take place at the Annual Board Meeting. Physical attendance at the
Annual Board Meeting is required to vote. There is no proxy voting or electronic
attendance allowed for elections. For purposes of voting for Board Officers and
At‐Large Directors, parents or legal guardians of registered wrestlers are allowed
to vote, that is, if both parents or legal guardians of a single or multiple wrestlers,
regardless of multiple residencies, and are in attendance, they may each cast a
single vote. Though wrestlers are considered members of the Club they are not
allowed to vote.
Section 3. Qualifications for Board of Director positions shall consist of the
1. A resident of Washington Township or employment within the School
District of Washington Township school system or West Morris Central High
2. Parents or legal guardians of children who attend a Washington Township
Elementary or Middle School.
3. The nominee is in good standing, owes no debt to the Club, and conducts
himself/herself in a manner that brings honor to the Long Valley Wrestling
4. The nominee is an adult who is 21 years of age or older.

If the Nominee is a Long Valley Wrestling Club Coach then only requirements
#3 and #4 are required to be considered qualified.
Section 4. A Nominating Committee, appointed by the Board, shall meet prior to
the annual meeting to prepare a list of candidates for the upcoming open
positions of the Board of Directors. They will provide those names to the Board
for vote at the Annual Meeting and nominations can also be taken from the floor
during the meeting. If a current member of the Board of Directors is nominated
for a Board position, he/she may still participate in the vote, voting for
himself/herself or a new nominee. The vote will be a closed and secret ballot
with the President and Secretary presiding and counting the votes. Newly elected
Board members will be publicly announced at the end of the meeting. New Board
members will assume their positions immediately following the close of the
Annual Meeting.

Section 5. In order to cast a vote, a Board Director must be considered in “good
standing” and may not owe a debt to the Club. Each Director casts one vote only
on the Board.
Section 6. The President does vote in any and all elections for open Officer and
At‐Large Director positions.


Section 1: Volunteering as a Coach is encouraged. A Coach does not need to be a
resident of Washington Township or have a child attend a Washington Township
School or have a child registered with the Club. All Coaches must be at least 18
years of age and approved by the Board of Directors. Coaches can also be
dismissed by the Board with a majority vote. A Coach can resign at any time by
notifying the President and Secretary in writing.
Section 2: Being a Coach does not grant or entitle a position on the Board of
Directors. Coaches may be required to attend designated Board meetings. A
Coach can be a nominee for a Board Officer or Director Position and elected to
the Board during the Annual Meeting if qualifications are met.

Section 3. All Coaches must adhere to these bylaws and attend any and all
training, registrations, and certifications as required by the Township, County, the
State of New Jersey, or as designated by the Board. Any fees incurred by Coaches
in fulfillment of any required obligation will be reimbursed by the program.
Section 4: Coaches are volunteers and do not draw or earn a salary. The Board
does reserve the right to provide payment to individuals for special instructions or
similar considerations outside the normal expectations of Coaching. These
considerations must be approved in advance by the Board of Directors with a
majority vote.


Section 1. Contracts. Only the Board of Directors may authorize contracts on the
part of the organization.
Section 2. Loans. No loans may be contracted on behalf of the Club and no
evidence of indebtedness shall be issued in its name.
Section 3. Checks. All checks must be signed by the Treasurer or President.

Section 4. Deposits. All funds of the club not otherwise employed for its purpose
shall be deposited from time to time to the credit of the Club in such banks or
other depositories as the Board of Directors may select.
Section 5. Financial Audit. An annual internal financial audit of the Long Valley
Wrestling Club will be conducted by two (2) designated members of the Board of
Directors, not to include the Treasurer.
Section 6. Insurance. The program shall provide appropriate liability insurance
coverage to all Board Officers, Board Directors, Coaches and Volunteers with the
costs paid by the program.


Dispute Resolution
Section 1. Method of Procedure: Any Club member(s) having a complaint against
another member for the infraction of any provision of these Bylaws or Club rules
or for conduct injurious to the welfare of the Club, may report it in writing to the
Board of Directors. The complaint shall set forth the facts, the alleged infractions,
and the names of any witnesses. A complaint must be investigated promptly,
within 14 days, after it is brought to the attention of the Board. The
complainant(s) and the member(s) identified in the complaint, along with any
witnesses, shall receive at least seven (7) days’ notice to be heard before the
Board. The Board of Directors will review all statements and evidence prior to
making a final disposition. The Board of Directors has the right, based on the
evidence and witnesses, to suspend or expel any member including but not
limited to wrestlers, coaches, parents, guardians, and supporters for engaging in
conduct that is considered illegal, harassing, unsportsmanlike, unethical, or
detrimental to the integrity of the Long Valley Wrestling Club and its bylaws,
policies, or purpose with a 2/3 majority vote of the Board. These rules also apply
to a complaint made against a Board Director. A Director(s) identified in a
complaint cannot vote on the complaint because it is a conflict of interest.


Section 1. The Club may be dissolved at any time by a unanimous vote of the
Board of Directors.
Section 2. Two (2) officers shall be required to request the President to hold a
vote to dissolve the Club.
Section 3. Notice of a vote to dissolve the Club shall be provided to the general
membership two (2) weeks prior to the vote through email and through an
announcement on the Club’s web site.

Section 4. Upon dissolution of the Club, all assets will be used to pay any
outstanding invoice or accumulated debt. Any remaining Club funds shall be
equally donated by the President to the wrestling athletic funds of the West
Morris Central High School Wrestling Team Parent’s Association.

Wrestler Level and Team Assignment
The aim of the Club is to provide a fair and equitable opportunity for any and all
wrestlers to wrestle on a Long Valley Wrestling Club team. Wrestle‐offs and/or
other objective criteria shall be used to determine selection and designation of all
wrestlers to their teams. With that being stated, selection and designation of all
wrestlers to any team(s) or level will be made by the Coaches and President. A
wrestler can be added or removed from a team or moved to a different level at
any time at the Coach’s/Coaches’ and President’s discretion. The Coaches and
President can consider a number of factors to determining a wrestler’s addition or
removal including age, ability, and the safety and welfare of the wrestler and the
Club’s liability. The President shall have the final decision in the event of a dispute. 


These Bylaws may be amended, repealed or altered in whole or in part by a two‐
thirds (2/3) majority vote at any regular or special meeting of the Board of
Directors. Amendments to these bylaws can only take place at a Board meeting
with physical attendance required and at least 72 hours advanced notice to the
Board of Directors. All changes to these Bylaws must be made by the Secretary
with the language agreed to at the Board Meeting. The Secretary must share the
changes with the full Board within 10 days of the meeting at which it took place.
The final written draft of changes provided to the Board will be subject to
approval as written at the next Board meeting.

Board of Directors

President – Lloyd Flemming
Vice President – Bill Baumann
Treasurer – Sean Ryan
Secretary – Kristin Cabarle
Director at Large – Evan Baker
Director at Large – Brent Wholers
Director at Large – Chris Marold
Director at Large – Chris Kowalik
Director at Large – Rachel Frayne

TeamSnap, Website, IT – Bill Baumann